Tuesday, September 27, 2016

संदीप माहेश्वरी Sandeep Maheshwari Quotes in Hindi

संदीप माहेश्वरी Sandeep Maheshwari Quotes in Hindi: Sandeep Maheshwari Quotes in Hindi संदीप माहेश्वरी कथन ज़िन्दगी में कभी भी कुछ करना है तो सच बोल दो, घुमा-फिरा के बात मत करो। Hindi Thoughts

Friday, September 2, 2016

कम्प्युटर का केहि सफ्टवेर हरु डाउनलोद गर्नुहोला ।

कम्प्युटर का केहि सफ्टवेर हरु डाउनलोद गर्नुहोला ।  

How To Find Serial Key Of Any Software

  1. First of all open Google.
  2. Type there your Software Name and 94FBR
  3. (For e.g. ” Nero express 94FBR

  1. Now you will see in search result you will directly see your product keys, just copy it and paste in your software text field.
  2. Thats it you are done, now you are able to find product key of any software.

 So above is method for How To Find Serial Key Of Any Software. By this method you can easily get product,activation and serial key of any software and freely use that paid softwares.And there will be no need to scroll different sites and just wasting your time over different websites. Hope you like the post don’t forget to share it with your friends and leave a comment below about your experience with this cool Google search Trick..................

Any Future Help :- thamanchaudhary65@gmail.com
                       Contact:- +9779814618803

How To Increase RAM Using USB/Pendrive In Windows 7& 8 & 10

Step 1. First of all Insert Your Pen Drive. Then open My Computer and Right click > Then open Step 

  2. Now Properties window will appear, then click on Advanced system settings from a left side.Properties.   

  Step 3. Then in Advanced Tab click on Settings Button appear in Performance tab.

 Step 4.  Again new window will appear then click on Advanced Tab. 

 Step 5.  In Advanced Tab there is an option of the Virtual Memory box, Then click on Change Button.
Step 6. Now uncheck the box of Automatically Manage Page size feature. Then in Custom Size Add Your Pen Drive current same in below format. Now Add same Value in both boxes and click on Apply button.

Note: If Your Pen Drive is of Size 4Gb then always add 10Mb less from currently available size. As I am using pen drive of size 4Gb and current space available is 3700 Mb then use 3690 minimum approx or remove more as you can because of it better of device safety.
Restart Your PC or Laptop and Now pen drive work as Virtual Ram. If you face problem in above method then can also follow below method which is easy to perform and work on Window 7, 8...

Any Future Help :- thamanchaudhary65@gmail.com
                     Contact:- +9779814618803


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Computer Copy Speed कम्प्यूटरको कपी गर्ने स्पीड बढानुस यसरी

Computer Copy Speed कम्प्यूटरको कपी गर्ने स्पीड बढानुस यसरी

cfkmgf] sDKo"6/sf] skL ug]{ :kL8 a9fg';\ o;/L

तपाई तपाई use गर्नुहुन्छ भने तपाईलाई थाहा भएकै कुरा हो कि कुनै पनि फाइल कपि गर्दा फास्ड भएन भने कस्तो tension हुन्छ । तपाई आफनो computer को copy गर्ने speed यसरी बढाउन सक्नुहुन्छ ।

Increase Computer Copy Speed : Computer Tips in Nepali

आज म तपाईको लागि धेरै नै कामको software को बारेमा बताउन जादैछु । हुन त लगभग म कामकै software को बारेमा बताइरहेको हुन्छु । आज पनि जे software को भनिरहेको छु, दिन गइरहेको छु, त्यो तपाईको काम आउछ नै । के तपाईलाई लाग्छ कि जो मबतब तपाई cd वा pen drive बाट आफनो computer मा copy गर्नुहुन्छ त्यो fast रुपले copy होस् । यदि तपाई यस्तो चाहनुहुन्छ भने यो software तपाईको लागि नै हो । यो software लाई राखिसकेपछि तपाईको केही पनि चीज copy गर्नुहुन्छ भने fast रुपले नै copy हुन थाल्छ । भनेपछि अबेला किन यो software लाई download  गर्नको लागि यहाँ click गर्नुस् र आफनो computer को copy गर्ने speed बढाउनुहोस् ।